The school boasts modern bright and user friendly learning spaces. We have two classrooms. One caters for the early years F-2 and one for the 3-6 years of schooling.
The F-2 classroom is staffed by a full time classroom teacher and has the assistance of a student aide. The 3-6 classroom teaching is shared by two very professional and experienced teachers.
The Early Years F, 1, 2
Take Home Readers – Your child will bring home a reader each night. These need to be read and discussed with your child (about 10 minutes) and the reading log signed. We cannot stress how important this time is; it is a time for you and your child to enjoy reading together and it makes a huge impact on their learning. The books your child brings home are usually below their instructional reading level, this is so you can both enjoy reading together without being hindered by difficult text. Sometimes you might have to read a page to your child first then they can read after you. Sometimes your child will bring home the same book twice, this is fine, your child will be able to read the book easily and fluency should be encouraged.
Spelling Words – Inside your child’s reading folder is a list of spelling words. There is also a mini scrap book. Your child can practise reading and writing these words during the week. For children with larger spelling lists, concentrating on 2 or 3 words a week is a good idea. The Foundation students can practise their word being focussed on at school.
Writing –In the foundation year we begin writing by children drawing pictures then telling the teacher a sentence about the picture. We write it for the children and then read it together. Children in years 1 and 2 are encouraged and supported to write independently.
Maths has a termly focus around which all practice revolves. Children are encouraged to practice counting and getting to know their numbers. Children progress to learning about the four operations and applying maths to real life situations.
Class 3/4/5/6
Reading – We have a quiet reading session during our literacy block. We encourage interest based reading at home also. Students are heard by the teachers and parents during this time. Students also read for comprehension and for different purposes during planned guided reading sessions.
Spelling – Students have list words at an appropriate level, which they are tested on weekly. They also work daily on spelling structure during class time.
Writing – A daily activity in many ways, eg. Diary, story, reporting, information and contract work. Planning is encouraged in a variety of formats.
Hand writing – Structured on a weekly basis, with some written activities having a hand writing focus, for example diary writing.
Oral Language – Also on a daily basis. The formal structures for this are taught particularly during morning assembly and when students are presenting their work.
Maths – Children will be mastering each of the times tables and the four processes, (+, -, x and division).
Homework – Student’s homework tasks will be practising spelling words and times tables, reading daily and perhaps doing some research for their individual learning contract.
NOTE: Some students will have different homework programs which will be communicated through Learning Improvement Plans.