School Council

  • Developing the strategic plan, approving the annual budget, and deciding on and reviewing policies.

School Council elections are held annually for half the school council body and elected members hold office for a two year period. An active school councillor will listen to and ask the school community, and sometimes the wider community about their views on topics that council might be considering.

Any parent with suggestions for improvement at the policy level can discuss these with a school council member to be presented at school council meetings.

The principal is an ex-officio member, representing the Department of Education and Training. School Council elections are held during March each year. The School Council is recognised as the local governing body by the Department of Education and early Childhood Development. Our Council meets regularly at the school. We work within our School Strategic Plan, which is an agreement with the government about what the school will provide over the next four years.

The Executive is as follows:

President                          Ben Baude

Vice President                   Gerard Yea

Parents Club/Fundraising Committee

This committee is a sub-committee of the school council, focusing on raising additional funds to support programs and resources for the education of the students. Members of this committee will often approach members of the school community for assistance and we urge all families to support this hard working committee.